5 Star Indian Recipes

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Rainbow - Colourful Foods I Love Them So much

Yeah! they tell us, all of them to have as many colours on our plate as we can..

Here is my favourite Rainbow collections and combos

Yellow Capsicum
Red Capsicum
Green capsicum

Tossed in Olive oil with vinegar and salt. Try it to cherish!!


Blanch spinach, add raw tomatoes and cucumber, adjust salt and black pepper. Temper with 1/2 tbs of cumin seeds crackled in butter. Heavenly!!


This is one hell of a treat :)

Cut all fruits and mix in a bowl, add 2 tbs skimmed milk, add 20 gms yogurt, add honey to taste. Love it!!


Mix all the fruits in a salad bowl, add roasted and crushed cumin seeds, black salt/ rock salt. Squeeze lemon and beat the heat guys!!

Healthy Eating - Curd with Oatmeal and Vegetables :)

Oatmeal is a fantastic food. It is full of fiber and is the best friend of our digestive system. However I had my own experiences while adjusting with the taste of it and gradually becoming an ardent oatmeal lover.

The first time I tried making Oatmeal.. it was a big mess.. I poured in 3 tbs of rolled oats in skimmed milk and boiled the mixture for about 5 mins, garnished it with a few dry fruits and tried my best to eat that.. I almost puked ...and threw it away.. determined never to touch it again.. then one day in office my friend Ranjini bought an interesting porridge for lunch.. it was yummy and tasted divine.

When I asked her what that was she told me it was Oatmeal with vegetables!!! No way!! I screamed.. how the hell it tastes so nice and divine?? She gave me a simple recipe for that -


Rolled Oats -  3-4 Tbs
Green Chillies
French Beans
Cumin seeds
1/2 tbs oil/ ghee


Blanch all the vegetables and keep aside.

Cook oatmeal in 1 cup of water till tender and creamy. Add blanched vegetables and salt to taste, mix well.
 Let this simmer for 2-3 mins and take off the stove.

Heat 1/2 tbs oil/ ghee in a pan and add cumin seeds, let it crackle well and then pour over the oats and veggie mix.

Add lemon to taste and garnish with green coriander.

Have this with curd and enjoy the rich and wholesome oats :)

Bread Story

Weight Loss has been a treat, as I got so much information in my head, wanting to overflow and thanks to my new love for blogging I can share it with all you people :)

Okay.. The Bread story is pretty short and sweet. I have always loved bread toasts with butter melting on them..flowing like liquid gold on earth's crust.. potato stuffed sandwiches, onion tomato capsicum sandwiches, bread rolls, bread pakoras, bread pizza, bread poha.. you name it I was so committed to my bread.

But my love affair came in a difficult situation when I read that white bread was a strict NO NO in pursuit of weightloss. Websites talking about god carbs and bad carbs ..- declared a strict control over white bread!

Lo! my heart was broken...so I bought the brown bread home.. but I could not find the same love that white bread showered on me - off course I was not loving it at all....

So after careful thinking and modifying the Diet tips as suggested by health advisors - I started tricking myself  - I started clubbing my brown bread with white bread..which meant one slice brown bread and other of white..
I gladly made way for excess butter, margarine, jam and jellies out of my love life and started using peanut butter, hummus, vegetables, pudina chutney and mustard in my sandwiches.. the switch was lovely!

Slowly my loyalties towards white bread changed and I ditched it completely for my brown bread.. now just when I was feeling the commitment came another blow.. and this was just not fair...

An article calling how real good is your brown bread shook me completely and I rushed to check the ingredients of my brown bread. The article was correct the bread was not as hail and hearty as I assumed it to be. The article suggested use of sprouted or multi grain breads instead.

I was so shattered, and then understood why the weight was not moving despite shift of eating habit and daily exercises.

Next time in the supermarket I brought a loaf of sprouted grains bread.. and this time it was something I liked thanks to my affair with brown bread..taste adjustments were easy.

But Now, I master it all, when I feel like white bread I do buy my first love and enjoy it with a healthy filling of vegetables, peanut butter, salad dressings, boiled potatoes and etall.

I ensure to have bread in the morning that's for breakfast and avoid consuming it any time latter.

It tastes well, it gives me a satisfactory feeling and yes I am loving it :)

My weight loss journey - Puppy Fat to Perfect Ten!

I have always been a healthy girl. I was pampered with Momma's and granny's love and belonging to a family of food lovers I have just loved food.
As a child I was a pretty fine young girl, but as I reached puberty I began transforming into a overweight teenager. Everyone in the family adored those excess kilos as puppy fat and assured me that I should be worrying about studies and not my weight.. so be it! I gave into the assurance and kept telling myself that this was normal.

By the age of 18 I weighed 77 Kgs and was huge. In college that was summer of 2000, I entered a new life, where everything was exciting, new life, college, new friends, new crushes, new aspirations.. and I realised though being an intelligent gal, I was quite not happening.

Come what may be I wanted the best, after the results of our first semester were out I was declared the topper for the session and trust me it was first time people noticed me adored me and did not laugh me off as a bundle of excess fat.

I got to be part of a happening group, fashion conscious gals, handsome boys, slim sistas, dusky earthy eyes, fancy clothes, Mc Donalds, pubs, movies, parties and all the fun that I was looking forward to.

There came a determination that I could be better and wear all that makeup and clothes and look ravishing.

I started walking, I used to brisk walk for daily 2 hours it took me getting up at 5 AM in the morning, I started listening to my mommy's word of wisdom.

BTW, my mom is just too cool, shes never been out of shape, she is tall, beautiful and as far as I can remember when with her, people have always asked if I was her sister!!!

Started with habit of healthy eating - but giving away desire for canteen chowmein, samosas, Mc Donald's burger and colas was a big sin! and I could never commit it ;)

But my walking continued and I started with my tryst and love with lemon water which is till date my best weight loss and weight management secret.
Morning lemon honey water and lemon water during the day, fueled me. I started having smaller meals through the day, altered my daily binging habits with a treat day in the week.
With walking came yoga.. as I used to walk around the huge Sanjay Park lanes.. I used to see array of people doing yoga.. so I joined too..Pranayams to asanas.. it was all working.

Beating Delhi summers, with lemon water and lots of fruits was becoming my idea of life and it was showing results too.

So the fat chicken in first year was slim by third year. I was complimented, people were amazed, questioned me, asked me if I had joined VLCC or any other slimming centre a rage in those years.
I smiled and all I said was it was nothing but pure will and walk.

That was a memorable time of my life.

But the story is yet not over.. the interesting part is yet to begin.. will sure continue on this soon..



Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Eating Healthy - Diet Poha

Diet Poha is my favourite dish, I learnt it from my lovely lil sisters Megha and Deepika.


I am not giving any approximation of quantity as it can be well determined by the people you are cooking it for and the taste bud levels ;)

Poha ( Beaten rice)

Onions - chopped fine
Green chillies - chopped fine
Tomatoes - seeded and chopped fine
Cucumber - chopped fine
Olives - chopped fine
Potatoes (optional) - boiled and mashed
Peanuts - roasted
Lemon Juice
Green Coriander
Curry leaves
Oil - ` 1tbs


Wash Poha thoroughly, drain excess water and keep aside. I use a strainer to wash Poha in, and then let it drain over the strainer.

Add all the vegetables in a bowl, add poha and mix well, ensure that the Poha has drained well. In 1 tbs oil temper mustard seeds, curry leaves and peanuts, and pour over the mixture, add salt mix well. Garnish with coriander and green chillies. Add lemon juice to taste.

Trust me this is as yummy and as healthy a dish that can appeal to y our taste buds.

Eating Healthy - Oatmeal and cinnamon

Oats with Cinnamon and yummy apples :)


1/4 cup quick cooking rolled oats

1 cup skim milk

1 tsp brown sugar

2 pinches cinnamon

2 tsp chopped walnuts

1/2 chopped apple with skin


1. Heat the oats, skim milk and brown sugar in a pan and cook till the oats are cooked. This normally takes 3 to 5 minutes.

2. Once cooked, take the mixture off the gas and add cinnamon, walnuts and chopped apples and mix well.

3. Serve hot and quick J

Eating Healthy - Moong Dal Chilla ( Pancake)

Moong Dal Chilla - My favourite Breakfast :)


Split green gram (dhuli moong dal)/ Whole Moong dal, soaked overnighte
Cumin (Jeera) powder - 1/2 tsp
Ginger chilli paste - 1 tsp
Tomatoes - 1 small
Onion - 1 small
Green Chillies - 2
Salt to taste
Oil for frying

Drain and grind the split green gram in a mixer with diced onions, tomatoes, green chillies and ginger garlic paste. Add cumin powder, salt red chilli and garam masala for taste.
Grease a non stick pan with 1 tsp oil and drop in a ladleful of the green gram batter and spread it evenly with the back of the spoon.
Turn over the chilla and let it sizzle to golden brown on both sides.
You can make a stuffing of grated capsicum, paneer, onions, carrots or raddish, to make this nutritious dish even more healthy.

Tip: Let the pan heat well and then grease it sparingly all over with oil - this would help you use less oil and yet give you savouring taste and sizzling brown roast taste :)
Serve with Mint/ Tomato or Corriandor chutney.
Relish Moong dal chillas with buttermilk - My favourite combo. High on taste, great on tastebuds, easy on stomach, rich in protiens and low in * calories.
* (Approx 132 cal per serving)

The GM Diet

GM Diet is a popular fad diet that assures a weight loss of 4-5 Kgs in a week.

This is a popular diet created for employees of General Motors, to keep them healthy and in shape.

Also known as the cabbage soup diet this diet requires strict discipline and smart eating. It does look like one hell of a diet t complete, but with my personal modifications and experience I have mastered the art of doing it right and I go on this diet at least once in two months.

GM diet cleanse the system of toxins, helps us rule our digestive system and tames our wild hunger pranks.

MY GM Diet Experience and Success - Weight: 65 Kgs

Day 1: All fruits ( Traditional suggestion: No Mangoes and Bananas Yes Melons Cantaloupe)
My way: I had banana as my morning fruit, and then ate a fruit every two hours, sipping water with a dash of lemon in between those two hours.
Fruits I ate : Banana, Apples, Papaya, Oranges

Weight Loss: 1 Kgs

Day 2: All vegetables ( Traditional No Potatoes no oil, Yes Green leafy vegetables)
My way : I had a mix of vegetables Peas, beans, cauliflower, cabbage, carrot and tomatoes -  Boiled and tempered with mustard seeds in half teaspoon of oil. Then I ate a raw vegetable every two hours.
Veggies I ate: Carrots, Cucumber, Green leafy vegetable  -  blanched spinach, squashed it a bit, added little salt and green chillies and cherished.

Weight loss: 1 Kgs

Day 3: Mix of All fruits and vegetables ( Traditional No Potatoes yet No bananas and mangoes)
My way: I had the same routine of day one and two, began my day with a banana, mix of all the fruits I had on day one and same for veggies, just that I followed my rule of eating every 2 hours.

Weight Loss: 500 gms

Day 4: Bananas and Milk (Traditional have 4 glasses of milk and 8 bananas)
My way: I glass of skimmed milk and a banana for breakfast, then every two hours I altered my banana and glass of milk).

Weight Loss: None

Day 5: Paneer/ Chicken/ Beef and Tomatoes ( Traditional: 8 tomatoes and unlimited protein source)
My way: I had paneer and soya nuggets as my protein source, in tomato gravy I added cubes of Paneer, tempered with cumin seed in 1/2 tablespoon ghee ( clarified Butter). Made a sup f tomatoes and soya nuggets boiled and tempered with mustard seeds in 1/2 tablespoon ghee again.
In between I had raw tomatoes, raw slices of paneer and soya, sprinkled with fresh coriander and lemon and ginger wedges.

Weight Loss: 1.2 Kgs

Day 6: All veggies + Protien Source ( Paneer/ Chicken/ Beef)
My way: I had a veg mix from my choice of day 2 and fortified with my Paneer and Soya preparations from day 5.

Weight Loss: 1. 1 Kgs

Day 7: Fruits + Brown Rice + Fruit Juices

My way: I had fresh juices - Orange, Apple and grapes. Mixed with strawberries, papaya, apple and oranges mix fruit platter. I cup of brown rice, salted and tempered with cumin seeds in half tablespoon ghee.

Weight Loss 1 Kgs.

Total weight Loss: 5.3 Kgs

I lost 300 gms more than I hoped for :)

My secrets were: Lots of water - we have to drink lots and lots of water specially on day 4 & 5 to clear the uric acid off the body.

I used light salt to banish that craving for salt and carbs - It helps. Use rock salt and black salt ( Kala Namak).

I drank lemon water in between, whenever I had hunger pranks.

I did moderate exercises, whenever I felt little worn and fizzled out I skipped my workouts.

I tried to be happy and pep my mood with music, reading more about the diet and getting pep talks from my hubby.

They say that one can have unlimited Cabbage soup -  for which the traditional recipe is -

28 oz, Water, 6 Large Onions, 2 Green Peppers, Whole Tomatoes (fresh or canned), 1 Head Cabbage, 1 Bunch Celery, 4 Envelopes Lipton Onion Soup Mix, Herbs and Flavouring as desired.
My way: Dash Capsicum, cabbage and onions in small pieces and steam them - blend in a  blender - add tomatoes to a hot pan and saute till tender, add fresh coriander, add ginger wedges, add the blended cabbage onion and capsicum -  temper with cumin/mustard seed in half tablespoon ghee and relish.

GM diet is a good way of cleaning the system and enjoying a tasty treat without guilt of piling calories.

The weight loss is not permanent and one has to ensure that the eating habits are in control after the diet is over, else the weight will come back as fast as it went off.

I regained around 1.3 kgs in over a weeks time, rest my weight stuck to the reduced victory :))

Height Weight Chart

Monday, May 9, 2011

Gym It up - Start Excecises Now

Starting with Gym was the biggest hate trigger for me. I wanted to loose weight and am still sweating around to loose it, but getting that motivation wasn't easy.

I now gym for 7 days a week doing cardio for 45 minutes, 15 minutes of streches and 10 minutes of weight training.But getting here was not an easy task, I dreaded the treadmill, hated the stationary bike and cross trainer.

My body used to ache like hell and I used to get cramps.But I was hellbound on starting with soem form of physical activity along with diet control.
So, it started - I began with doing 15 minutes of cardio on treadmill with some streches.

Did a lot of stydy on gymming techniques - learnt to walk and run correctly on the treadmill.

Started having a source of energy - Juice, Milk, Sandwich or any lite food an hour prior to workout. Started having water with my workout.

I gradually incresed my speed and incline of 4.5-5 at 0 to 6.5 at 10.

Started jogging and then running on the treadmill, motivayed myself by daily noting my workout summary in a note book. Downloadwd my favourite songs on my I-pod and wore the headphones to keep my mind relaxed, while stressing the body :)

The Gym in my apartment is now my temple, where I do daily and really look forward to be there sweating each day.

My brother always told me that be it any form of execrcise just enjoy it - and I am actually enjoying my workout :)

Honey Weight Loss

Sweet Weight Loss – What is the secret Honey ;)
Honey is the wonder ingredient that should be on the menu of every fitness freak. Honey also improves your digestion and thus helps in weight loss. Hence honey is also consumed after dinner especially after overeating.
So, you would jump and shout - Isn't honey also a type of sugar? How would it aid in weight loss and won’t the calories in honey hit the weight loss efforts?
So here is the answer – Honey is unlike refined sugar as it contains vitamins and minerals. Normally, to digest sugar, the vitamins and minerals stored in body are utilized, rendering the body devoid of these nutrients. These nutrients are essential to dissolve fats and cholesterol. Thus when you eat too much sugar you tend to increase weight not just because of the calories but due to lack of vitamins and minerals. On the contrary, honey being a good source of nutrients helps you in reducing weight.
Honey and warm water:
Normally fat remains as an un-used resource in your body adding bulk and weight. It is believed that honey mobilizes this stored fat. When this fat is burnt to provide energy for your daily activities, you see a gradual decrease in your weight and obesity levels. It is suggested that you drink this honey (about one tablespoon daily), with equal amount of warm water.
Honey and lemon juice:
One spoon of honey with a few drops of lemon, mixed with warm water is another recipe made from honey that is believed to reduce one's weight. Although the results are slow, regular consumption of this mixture is believed to aid in weight loss. Many people drink this formula first thing in the morning to reduce their weight.
Honey and cinnamon:
Combine one teaspoon honey with one-half teaspoon cinnamon powder and boil in one cup of water. After the mixture has boiled, filter it into another cup. Divide the mixture into two half-cup quantities to be consumed one-half hour before breakfast and one-half hour before going to sleep at night. Never add honey to warm water, let the water cool to room temperature. Warm water affects honey enzymes. By following this regimen, it is suggested that a dieter may easily lose three to five pounds within one week without changing anything else within his or her diet.

So get up and get a spoon of honey - honey!

Abdominal Diet - Eat your Fat away - Leaner Stomach

Foods to achieve a leaner belly -
1. Fruits
Fresh fruits eaten the first thing in morning, soon after you get up, shall speed up your weight loss process.
2. Oatmeal
I love oats; they are filling, and taste delicious. Add your favourite fruits and savour the oatmeal. Its high fiber helps maintain satiety and prevents a dip in blood sugar levels. A bowl of natural plain oatmeal also aids in keeping hunger pangs away 
3. Nuts
Go nuts about nuts – They help keep the tummy full and slim 
A handful of your favourite nuts each day help us nourish the cells, however because of the higher calorie counts just don’t over eat. Go easy pals!
Refrain from the salted varieties.
4. Eggs
Eggs aid weight loss infact one can aim to shed more weight by eating eggs than any other breakfast as eggs contain vitamin B12, which your body needs to metabolize fat. For people with High cholesterol stick to egg white.
5. Beans and Legumes
Have loads of Beans and legumes they are low in calories and are full of dietary fiber and protein and fiber, which help the body to tone up and shed weight. Be careful of the fried/ refried variety and avoid them always!
6. Monosaturated Fats
Avoid trans fat laded hydrogenated vegetable oil. Go for the monounsaturated fats like olive or canola oil. Sunflower oil, safflower oil, peanut oil and mustard oils are other recommendations.
7. Fish and White (lean) meat
Higher the protein content in your diet, higher shall be the calories burnt. Go for the white meat and avoid reds. Turkey and fish are leanest variety. Also, tuna and salmon have the omega-3 supplies that helps prevent stress that promotes flatter abs.

The Brown Rice Story

Hiya Pple,

After reading so much about the good carbs or the whole carbs  -  I tried brown rice for the first time.

The one I picked from supermarket is called Jasmine SunBrown Rice and is Malaysia's own produce. It was reasonably priced at 4.5 Ringgit a Kg.

The cooking instructions on the back of the packet read -

Add 2 cups water for a cup of rice (add margarine/ salt is desired).
Bring to boil.
Reduce to low heat, simmer for 50 minutes. Then turn off the heat and allow rice to stand for 10 minutes before serving.

I tried doing exactly the same, but for some reasons the grains stuck to the vessel base, it wasn't burnt but was on the verge of it ;)

Brown rice tastes nutty, is coarse, has a fuller look and tastes nice. As a first time brown rice eater I will rate it at 7 out of 10 in taste.

I made a special side dish to have with brown rice and would want to share this healthy lentil soup recipe with you -


I cup Moong (whole) Lentil - 1 cup

1 Tomato

2 green chillies

1 table spoon ginger paste

1 medium sized onion

Red and yellow peppers

Cumin Powder

Black pepper Powder

Salt for taste

Cumin seeds

Oil ( Olive/ Sunflower) - 1/2 tablespoon


Soak Moong dal overnite

Dice tomatoes, chillies, yellow and red pepper and put them in a mixer along with moong dal.

Add cumin powder, black pepper, salt as per taste to the mixture and sprinkle some water.

Grind the mixture to a thin consistency ( add more water is desired).

In a pan heat oil and crackle some cumin seeds in it.

Add the mixture in the pan and stir.

Add 3 glasses of water and let the mixture simmer on low flame for about 30 minutes.

Take off the gas and let the mixture sit in for 10 minutes.

Garnish with coriander leaves.

Relish hot as a soup or a side dish with brown rice/ chapatti/ bread.

Water The Miracle Drink

Weighty Issues - Water The Miracle Drink
Okay! so the time is already 11:30 AM , and am still wondering where to begin my day from.  I am working towards a weight loss plan and am also wanting to improve my lifestyle habits.

In my pursuit of loosing those irritating love handles and stomach tyres, I have done a lot of reading and surfing on the world wide web in a pursuit of achieving a healthy, leaner and fitter body.

Some interesting facts on my regime -

Have dropped from 74 Kgs to 68 Kgs in last 3 months.

I feel energised and look forward to my daily gym and swimming routine.

Any kind of food when eaten in moderation is absolutely okay to be eaten!

It is easy to start cheat meals and hence develop smart eating.

Water is the name of the weight loss game - I go on to say that water is the miracle drink!

Meditation and good sleep go hand in hand in losing weight and remaining happy.

So, today I pen down my views on Water - The Miracle Drink!!

Drink, Drink, Drink - but only clear filtered fresh water.

Water clears your body off the toxins and other residues from the variety of food that we eat on a daily basis.

A warm rinse of water early in the morning ( first thing as you get up), is a blessing that you shower on your body.

Starting the day with warm water is the wisest way of treating the body with the dignity it deserves. Start by at least 2 glasses of warm water, on an empty stomach as soon as you get up. I had a morning sickness like feeling when I initially started, so I started boiling herbs like, mint leaves, Tulsi ( Basil) leaves, in water  then left it standing overnight. In the mornings I warmed the liquid and relished it. You can  gear up to 1 ltr from 2 glasses quite quickly.

Other drinking suggestions include, a dash of lemon, orange or slices of green apple.

I have been consuming 4-5 Ltrs each day since 13th Dec and yes I am frequenting the loo quite too often, but this is working for me.

For effective cleaning of the colon, and natural bowl movements try the morning water trick-it won't disappoint you.My experience is start with a few sips - develop a taste for water; yeah man! the innocent tasteless H2O does have its own taste, swirl it around your tongue, feel it going inside your throat and gushing over your stomach.

Everyone preaches about drinking 4-5 liters of water a day. However it is not easy to consume this amount, specially when we are used to have water as a thirst quencher, it hurts inside the belly when we overdo it, initially.

So how much is too much to begin with  - studies suggest that any amount between 4-5 Ltrs is good for human body that itself is made up of 60% water.

# Keep The Following pointers in Mind -

1. If you have an adrenal or renal condition, consult your doctor and follow accordingly.
2. If on diuretics, doctors advise is the only mantra that you should abide by.
3. Plan your water intake, like you schedule your day for any other daily activity.
4. Do not consume the entire amount in higher volumes at specific times. Your body needs to get used to water cravings like it growls for food when you are hungry!

So how do we do it?

After gulping about a ltr in the morning, I have my second ltr going in during and after my workout.

Try not combining water with food, a trick that works is having water half an hour before food, this will make you feel fuller and hence make you eat lesser.

After meal, have just few sips of water and then have water in larger volumes only after half an hour of  eating.

Plan your water intake like you plan your food intake. This is not as difficult as it seems.

Another bit of advice and personal recommendation is -

Drink warm/ room temp water

Yes! it does work, I always felt better and satisfied after drinking water at room temperature or Luke warm.

The biggest dilemma I was faced with while reading about water and its aids in losing weight was the war between groups that opined drinking iced cold water and the other that advocated drinking warm/ room temp water.

So, what did I do?

Simple, I tried both - my recommendation -  go for the later. Room temp water, is easy to drink, quenches thirst and is much appealing to taste buds.

Interestingly Ayurveda and ancient Chinese traditions also recommend drinking hot water/ green tea, with and after food, to boost metabolism and reap benefits.

Keep having a glass of water every hour, it will fill you up and help you shun those its bitsy cravings that will for sure come in the way of your diet plan.

Liquids that you derive from fruits, vegetables, milk and other sources are welcomed.

If you want to have juices have fresh juice only  -  become anti canned variety. Still better, have a whole fruit, suck the natural juices along with the pulp and relish the taste and freshness intact!

I am a no caffeine person, so can manage very well without tea coffee and cola soda for quite some time. I am just an occasional lover for these, however for those of you who are addicted, try cutting down at least 2 of the daily servings that you are taking for either.

Late night alcohol, eating etc also dehydrate the body, so ensure to drink plenty in case you are planning a booze regime, specially with the celebrities in vogue :)

Drinking adequate water, makes skin healthy and glowing -  my acne has subsided and there is a fresh glow every morning i get up as against the sebum shine I had when I used to get up a couple of months back.

Try this for sometime and let me know, if it works for you. I have a personal guarantee, that the miracle drink with assist you with weight loss even with moderate physical activity.

Moreover the cliche - It is not what you lose but what you gain! You give your body a holistic therapy of showering itself with an early morning and day long regime, of replenishing itself, washing away the toxins and increased energy levels.

So, what are you waiting for, cmon grab your glass of h20 and say cheers to a healthy and cleaner body!

Drink, drink as much, drink wise and gulp in new natural dose of power, freshness, serenity and health.

Keep drinking, Keep glowing, Keep staying young and healthy!

