5 Star Indian Recipes

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The GM Diet

GM Diet is a popular fad diet that assures a weight loss of 4-5 Kgs in a week.

This is a popular diet created for employees of General Motors, to keep them healthy and in shape.

Also known as the cabbage soup diet this diet requires strict discipline and smart eating. It does look like one hell of a diet t complete, but with my personal modifications and experience I have mastered the art of doing it right and I go on this diet at least once in two months.

GM diet cleanse the system of toxins, helps us rule our digestive system and tames our wild hunger pranks.

MY GM Diet Experience and Success - Weight: 65 Kgs

Day 1: All fruits ( Traditional suggestion: No Mangoes and Bananas Yes Melons Cantaloupe)
My way: I had banana as my morning fruit, and then ate a fruit every two hours, sipping water with a dash of lemon in between those two hours.
Fruits I ate : Banana, Apples, Papaya, Oranges

Weight Loss: 1 Kgs

Day 2: All vegetables ( Traditional No Potatoes no oil, Yes Green leafy vegetables)
My way : I had a mix of vegetables Peas, beans, cauliflower, cabbage, carrot and tomatoes -  Boiled and tempered with mustard seeds in half teaspoon of oil. Then I ate a raw vegetable every two hours.
Veggies I ate: Carrots, Cucumber, Green leafy vegetable  -  blanched spinach, squashed it a bit, added little salt and green chillies and cherished.

Weight loss: 1 Kgs

Day 3: Mix of All fruits and vegetables ( Traditional No Potatoes yet No bananas and mangoes)
My way: I had the same routine of day one and two, began my day with a banana, mix of all the fruits I had on day one and same for veggies, just that I followed my rule of eating every 2 hours.

Weight Loss: 500 gms

Day 4: Bananas and Milk (Traditional have 4 glasses of milk and 8 bananas)
My way: I glass of skimmed milk and a banana for breakfast, then every two hours I altered my banana and glass of milk).

Weight Loss: None

Day 5: Paneer/ Chicken/ Beef and Tomatoes ( Traditional: 8 tomatoes and unlimited protein source)
My way: I had paneer and soya nuggets as my protein source, in tomato gravy I added cubes of Paneer, tempered with cumin seed in 1/2 tablespoon ghee ( clarified Butter). Made a sup f tomatoes and soya nuggets boiled and tempered with mustard seeds in 1/2 tablespoon ghee again.
In between I had raw tomatoes, raw slices of paneer and soya, sprinkled with fresh coriander and lemon and ginger wedges.

Weight Loss: 1.2 Kgs

Day 6: All veggies + Protien Source ( Paneer/ Chicken/ Beef)
My way: I had a veg mix from my choice of day 2 and fortified with my Paneer and Soya preparations from day 5.

Weight Loss: 1. 1 Kgs

Day 7: Fruits + Brown Rice + Fruit Juices

My way: I had fresh juices - Orange, Apple and grapes. Mixed with strawberries, papaya, apple and oranges mix fruit platter. I cup of brown rice, salted and tempered with cumin seeds in half tablespoon ghee.

Weight Loss 1 Kgs.

Total weight Loss: 5.3 Kgs

I lost 300 gms more than I hoped for :)

My secrets were: Lots of water - we have to drink lots and lots of water specially on day 4 & 5 to clear the uric acid off the body.

I used light salt to banish that craving for salt and carbs - It helps. Use rock salt and black salt ( Kala Namak).

I drank lemon water in between, whenever I had hunger pranks.

I did moderate exercises, whenever I felt little worn and fizzled out I skipped my workouts.

I tried to be happy and pep my mood with music, reading more about the diet and getting pep talks from my hubby.

They say that one can have unlimited Cabbage soup -  for which the traditional recipe is -

28 oz, Water, 6 Large Onions, 2 Green Peppers, Whole Tomatoes (fresh or canned), 1 Head Cabbage, 1 Bunch Celery, 4 Envelopes Lipton Onion Soup Mix, Herbs and Flavouring as desired.
My way: Dash Capsicum, cabbage and onions in small pieces and steam them - blend in a  blender - add tomatoes to a hot pan and saute till tender, add fresh coriander, add ginger wedges, add the blended cabbage onion and capsicum -  temper with cumin/mustard seed in half tablespoon ghee and relish.

GM diet is a good way of cleaning the system and enjoying a tasty treat without guilt of piling calories.

The weight loss is not permanent and one has to ensure that the eating habits are in control after the diet is over, else the weight will come back as fast as it went off.

I regained around 1.3 kgs in over a weeks time, rest my weight stuck to the reduced victory :))

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