5 Star Indian Recipes

Monday, May 9, 2011

Water The Miracle Drink

Weighty Issues - Water The Miracle Drink
Okay! so the time is already 11:30 AM , and am still wondering where to begin my day from.  I am working towards a weight loss plan and am also wanting to improve my lifestyle habits.

In my pursuit of loosing those irritating love handles and stomach tyres, I have done a lot of reading and surfing on the world wide web in a pursuit of achieving a healthy, leaner and fitter body.

Some interesting facts on my regime -

Have dropped from 74 Kgs to 68 Kgs in last 3 months.

I feel energised and look forward to my daily gym and swimming routine.

Any kind of food when eaten in moderation is absolutely okay to be eaten!

It is easy to start cheat meals and hence develop smart eating.

Water is the name of the weight loss game - I go on to say that water is the miracle drink!

Meditation and good sleep go hand in hand in losing weight and remaining happy.

So, today I pen down my views on Water - The Miracle Drink!!

Drink, Drink, Drink - but only clear filtered fresh water.

Water clears your body off the toxins and other residues from the variety of food that we eat on a daily basis.

A warm rinse of water early in the morning ( first thing as you get up), is a blessing that you shower on your body.

Starting the day with warm water is the wisest way of treating the body with the dignity it deserves. Start by at least 2 glasses of warm water, on an empty stomach as soon as you get up. I had a morning sickness like feeling when I initially started, so I started boiling herbs like, mint leaves, Tulsi ( Basil) leaves, in water  then left it standing overnight. In the mornings I warmed the liquid and relished it. You can  gear up to 1 ltr from 2 glasses quite quickly.

Other drinking suggestions include, a dash of lemon, orange or slices of green apple.

I have been consuming 4-5 Ltrs each day since 13th Dec and yes I am frequenting the loo quite too often, but this is working for me.

For effective cleaning of the colon, and natural bowl movements try the morning water trick-it won't disappoint you.My experience is start with a few sips - develop a taste for water; yeah man! the innocent tasteless H2O does have its own taste, swirl it around your tongue, feel it going inside your throat and gushing over your stomach.

Everyone preaches about drinking 4-5 liters of water a day. However it is not easy to consume this amount, specially when we are used to have water as a thirst quencher, it hurts inside the belly when we overdo it, initially.

So how much is too much to begin with  - studies suggest that any amount between 4-5 Ltrs is good for human body that itself is made up of 60% water.

# Keep The Following pointers in Mind -

1. If you have an adrenal or renal condition, consult your doctor and follow accordingly.
2. If on diuretics, doctors advise is the only mantra that you should abide by.
3. Plan your water intake, like you schedule your day for any other daily activity.
4. Do not consume the entire amount in higher volumes at specific times. Your body needs to get used to water cravings like it growls for food when you are hungry!

So how do we do it?

After gulping about a ltr in the morning, I have my second ltr going in during and after my workout.

Try not combining water with food, a trick that works is having water half an hour before food, this will make you feel fuller and hence make you eat lesser.

After meal, have just few sips of water and then have water in larger volumes only after half an hour of  eating.

Plan your water intake like you plan your food intake. This is not as difficult as it seems.

Another bit of advice and personal recommendation is -

Drink warm/ room temp water

Yes! it does work, I always felt better and satisfied after drinking water at room temperature or Luke warm.

The biggest dilemma I was faced with while reading about water and its aids in losing weight was the war between groups that opined drinking iced cold water and the other that advocated drinking warm/ room temp water.

So, what did I do?

Simple, I tried both - my recommendation -  go for the later. Room temp water, is easy to drink, quenches thirst and is much appealing to taste buds.

Interestingly Ayurveda and ancient Chinese traditions also recommend drinking hot water/ green tea, with and after food, to boost metabolism and reap benefits.

Keep having a glass of water every hour, it will fill you up and help you shun those its bitsy cravings that will for sure come in the way of your diet plan.

Liquids that you derive from fruits, vegetables, milk and other sources are welcomed.

If you want to have juices have fresh juice only  -  become anti canned variety. Still better, have a whole fruit, suck the natural juices along with the pulp and relish the taste and freshness intact!

I am a no caffeine person, so can manage very well without tea coffee and cola soda for quite some time. I am just an occasional lover for these, however for those of you who are addicted, try cutting down at least 2 of the daily servings that you are taking for either.

Late night alcohol, eating etc also dehydrate the body, so ensure to drink plenty in case you are planning a booze regime, specially with the celebrities in vogue :)

Drinking adequate water, makes skin healthy and glowing -  my acne has subsided and there is a fresh glow every morning i get up as against the sebum shine I had when I used to get up a couple of months back.

Try this for sometime and let me know, if it works for you. I have a personal guarantee, that the miracle drink with assist you with weight loss even with moderate physical activity.

Moreover the cliche - It is not what you lose but what you gain! You give your body a holistic therapy of showering itself with an early morning and day long regime, of replenishing itself, washing away the toxins and increased energy levels.

So, what are you waiting for, cmon grab your glass of h20 and say cheers to a healthy and cleaner body!

Drink, drink as much, drink wise and gulp in new natural dose of power, freshness, serenity and health.

Keep drinking, Keep glowing, Keep staying young and healthy!



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