5 Star Indian Recipes

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Bread Story

Weight Loss has been a treat, as I got so much information in my head, wanting to overflow and thanks to my new love for blogging I can share it with all you people :)

Okay.. The Bread story is pretty short and sweet. I have always loved bread toasts with butter melting on them..flowing like liquid gold on earth's crust.. potato stuffed sandwiches, onion tomato capsicum sandwiches, bread rolls, bread pakoras, bread pizza, bread poha.. you name it I was so committed to my bread.

But my love affair came in a difficult situation when I read that white bread was a strict NO NO in pursuit of weightloss. Websites talking about god carbs and bad carbs ..- declared a strict control over white bread!

Lo! my heart was broken...so I bought the brown bread home.. but I could not find the same love that white bread showered on me - off course I was not loving it at all....

So after careful thinking and modifying the Diet tips as suggested by health advisors - I started tricking myself  - I started clubbing my brown bread with white bread..which meant one slice brown bread and other of white..
I gladly made way for excess butter, margarine, jam and jellies out of my love life and started using peanut butter, hummus, vegetables, pudina chutney and mustard in my sandwiches.. the switch was lovely!

Slowly my loyalties towards white bread changed and I ditched it completely for my brown bread.. now just when I was feeling the commitment came another blow.. and this was just not fair...

An article calling how real good is your brown bread shook me completely and I rushed to check the ingredients of my brown bread. The article was correct the bread was not as hail and hearty as I assumed it to be. The article suggested use of sprouted or multi grain breads instead.

I was so shattered, and then understood why the weight was not moving despite shift of eating habit and daily exercises.

Next time in the supermarket I brought a loaf of sprouted grains bread.. and this time it was something I liked thanks to my affair with brown bread..taste adjustments were easy.

But Now, I master it all, when I feel like white bread I do buy my first love and enjoy it with a healthy filling of vegetables, peanut butter, salad dressings, boiled potatoes and etall.

I ensure to have bread in the morning that's for breakfast and avoid consuming it any time latter.

It tastes well, it gives me a satisfactory feeling and yes I am loving it :)

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