5 Star Indian Recipes

Monday, May 9, 2011

Honey Weight Loss

Sweet Weight Loss – What is the secret Honey ;)
Honey is the wonder ingredient that should be on the menu of every fitness freak. Honey also improves your digestion and thus helps in weight loss. Hence honey is also consumed after dinner especially after overeating.
So, you would jump and shout - Isn't honey also a type of sugar? How would it aid in weight loss and won’t the calories in honey hit the weight loss efforts?
So here is the answer – Honey is unlike refined sugar as it contains vitamins and minerals. Normally, to digest sugar, the vitamins and minerals stored in body are utilized, rendering the body devoid of these nutrients. These nutrients are essential to dissolve fats and cholesterol. Thus when you eat too much sugar you tend to increase weight not just because of the calories but due to lack of vitamins and minerals. On the contrary, honey being a good source of nutrients helps you in reducing weight.
Honey and warm water:
Normally fat remains as an un-used resource in your body adding bulk and weight. It is believed that honey mobilizes this stored fat. When this fat is burnt to provide energy for your daily activities, you see a gradual decrease in your weight and obesity levels. It is suggested that you drink this honey (about one tablespoon daily), with equal amount of warm water.
Honey and lemon juice:
One spoon of honey with a few drops of lemon, mixed with warm water is another recipe made from honey that is believed to reduce one's weight. Although the results are slow, regular consumption of this mixture is believed to aid in weight loss. Many people drink this formula first thing in the morning to reduce their weight.
Honey and cinnamon:
Combine one teaspoon honey with one-half teaspoon cinnamon powder and boil in one cup of water. After the mixture has boiled, filter it into another cup. Divide the mixture into two half-cup quantities to be consumed one-half hour before breakfast and one-half hour before going to sleep at night. Never add honey to warm water, let the water cool to room temperature. Warm water affects honey enzymes. By following this regimen, it is suggested that a dieter may easily lose three to five pounds within one week without changing anything else within his or her diet.

So get up and get a spoon of honey - honey!

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