5 Star Indian Recipes

Monday, May 16, 2011

Mix Veg Tortila Wraps

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I packet Tortillas ( Whole wheat variant)

Capsicum - 100 gms  -  diced in to small pieces

Potatoes - 2  -  boiled and mashed

Onion (medium size) - 1  - cut into small pieces

Green chillies - finally chopped

Cauliflower - 100 gms  -  grated

Paneer (Cottage cheese) - 50 gms -  shredded

Mozzarella cheese

Oil for frying

Black pepper


Tomato Puree -  1 tbs

Lemon juice  -  as per taste


Mix all the veggies in a bowl, add grated paneer, salt, black pepper, lemon juice and tomato puree, mix well.

Keep aside.

Heat Tortillas on a non stick pan, grease with little oil and flip. Add the veggie mixture on half part of the tortilla, sprinkle grated mozzarella. Cover it with the other half and let it simmer on a slow flame.

Cut with a pizza cutter into four.

Serve hot with pudina chutney/ tomato chutney.

Healthy eating - Cabbage Capsicum Rice (Brown)

Click Here!

Hi Pple,

This one is one tasty food and so so healthy :)


Brown Rice  -1/2 cup
Cabbage - Shredded
Capsicum  - Chopped in to small pieces
Black Pepper - To taste
Salt -  To taste
Oil/ Ghee - 1 tbs


Boil and cook brown rice as per the usual process ( refer to my brown rice story piece)

Once ready, let is stand uncovered and cool.

In a pan heat oil and saute cabbage and capsicum on high flame.

Add pepper and salt, mix this in with cooked rice, mix well. Adjust black pepper if required.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Rainbow - Colourful Foods I Love Them So much

Yeah! they tell us, all of them to have as many colours on our plate as we can..

Here is my favourite Rainbow collections and combos

Yellow Capsicum
Red Capsicum
Green capsicum

Tossed in Olive oil with vinegar and salt. Try it to cherish!!


Blanch spinach, add raw tomatoes and cucumber, adjust salt and black pepper. Temper with 1/2 tbs of cumin seeds crackled in butter. Heavenly!!


This is one hell of a treat :)

Cut all fruits and mix in a bowl, add 2 tbs skimmed milk, add 20 gms yogurt, add honey to taste. Love it!!


Mix all the fruits in a salad bowl, add roasted and crushed cumin seeds, black salt/ rock salt. Squeeze lemon and beat the heat guys!!

Healthy Eating - Curd with Oatmeal and Vegetables :)

Oatmeal is a fantastic food. It is full of fiber and is the best friend of our digestive system. However I had my own experiences while adjusting with the taste of it and gradually becoming an ardent oatmeal lover.

The first time I tried making Oatmeal.. it was a big mess.. I poured in 3 tbs of rolled oats in skimmed milk and boiled the mixture for about 5 mins, garnished it with a few dry fruits and tried my best to eat that.. I almost puked ...and threw it away.. determined never to touch it again.. then one day in office my friend Ranjini bought an interesting porridge for lunch.. it was yummy and tasted divine.

When I asked her what that was she told me it was Oatmeal with vegetables!!! No way!! I screamed.. how the hell it tastes so nice and divine?? She gave me a simple recipe for that -


Rolled Oats -  3-4 Tbs
Green Chillies
French Beans
Cumin seeds
1/2 tbs oil/ ghee


Blanch all the vegetables and keep aside.

Cook oatmeal in 1 cup of water till tender and creamy. Add blanched vegetables and salt to taste, mix well.
 Let this simmer for 2-3 mins and take off the stove.

Heat 1/2 tbs oil/ ghee in a pan and add cumin seeds, let it crackle well and then pour over the oats and veggie mix.

Add lemon to taste and garnish with green coriander.

Have this with curd and enjoy the rich and wholesome oats :)

Bread Story

Weight Loss has been a treat, as I got so much information in my head, wanting to overflow and thanks to my new love for blogging I can share it with all you people :)

Okay.. The Bread story is pretty short and sweet. I have always loved bread toasts with butter melting on them..flowing like liquid gold on earth's crust.. potato stuffed sandwiches, onion tomato capsicum sandwiches, bread rolls, bread pakoras, bread pizza, bread poha.. you name it I was so committed to my bread.

But my love affair came in a difficult situation when I read that white bread was a strict NO NO in pursuit of weightloss. Websites talking about god carbs and bad carbs ..- declared a strict control over white bread!

Lo! my heart was broken...so I bought the brown bread home.. but I could not find the same love that white bread showered on me - off course I was not loving it at all....

So after careful thinking and modifying the Diet tips as suggested by health advisors - I started tricking myself  - I started clubbing my brown bread with white bread..which meant one slice brown bread and other of white..
I gladly made way for excess butter, margarine, jam and jellies out of my love life and started using peanut butter, hummus, vegetables, pudina chutney and mustard in my sandwiches.. the switch was lovely!

Slowly my loyalties towards white bread changed and I ditched it completely for my brown bread.. now just when I was feeling the commitment came another blow.. and this was just not fair...

An article calling how real good is your brown bread shook me completely and I rushed to check the ingredients of my brown bread. The article was correct the bread was not as hail and hearty as I assumed it to be. The article suggested use of sprouted or multi grain breads instead.

I was so shattered, and then understood why the weight was not moving despite shift of eating habit and daily exercises.

Next time in the supermarket I brought a loaf of sprouted grains bread.. and this time it was something I liked thanks to my affair with brown bread..taste adjustments were easy.

But Now, I master it all, when I feel like white bread I do buy my first love and enjoy it with a healthy filling of vegetables, peanut butter, salad dressings, boiled potatoes and etall.

I ensure to have bread in the morning that's for breakfast and avoid consuming it any time latter.

It tastes well, it gives me a satisfactory feeling and yes I am loving it :)

My weight loss journey - Puppy Fat to Perfect Ten!

I have always been a healthy girl. I was pampered with Momma's and granny's love and belonging to a family of food lovers I have just loved food.
As a child I was a pretty fine young girl, but as I reached puberty I began transforming into a overweight teenager. Everyone in the family adored those excess kilos as puppy fat and assured me that I should be worrying about studies and not my weight.. so be it! I gave into the assurance and kept telling myself that this was normal.

By the age of 18 I weighed 77 Kgs and was huge. In college that was summer of 2000, I entered a new life, where everything was exciting, new life, college, new friends, new crushes, new aspirations.. and I realised though being an intelligent gal, I was quite not happening.

Come what may be I wanted the best, after the results of our first semester were out I was declared the topper for the session and trust me it was first time people noticed me adored me and did not laugh me off as a bundle of excess fat.

I got to be part of a happening group, fashion conscious gals, handsome boys, slim sistas, dusky earthy eyes, fancy clothes, Mc Donalds, pubs, movies, parties and all the fun that I was looking forward to.

There came a determination that I could be better and wear all that makeup and clothes and look ravishing.

I started walking, I used to brisk walk for daily 2 hours it took me getting up at 5 AM in the morning, I started listening to my mommy's word of wisdom.

BTW, my mom is just too cool, shes never been out of shape, she is tall, beautiful and as far as I can remember when with her, people have always asked if I was her sister!!!

Started with habit of healthy eating - but giving away desire for canteen chowmein, samosas, Mc Donald's burger and colas was a big sin! and I could never commit it ;)

But my walking continued and I started with my tryst and love with lemon water which is till date my best weight loss and weight management secret.
Morning lemon honey water and lemon water during the day, fueled me. I started having smaller meals through the day, altered my daily binging habits with a treat day in the week.
With walking came yoga.. as I used to walk around the huge Sanjay Park lanes.. I used to see array of people doing yoga.. so I joined too..Pranayams to asanas.. it was all working.

Beating Delhi summers, with lemon water and lots of fruits was becoming my idea of life and it was showing results too.

So the fat chicken in first year was slim by third year. I was complimented, people were amazed, questioned me, asked me if I had joined VLCC or any other slimming centre a rage in those years.
I smiled and all I said was it was nothing but pure will and walk.

That was a memorable time of my life.

But the story is yet not over.. the interesting part is yet to begin.. will sure continue on this soon..



Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Eating Healthy - Diet Poha

Diet Poha is my favourite dish, I learnt it from my lovely lil sisters Megha and Deepika.


I am not giving any approximation of quantity as it can be well determined by the people you are cooking it for and the taste bud levels ;)

Poha ( Beaten rice)

Onions - chopped fine
Green chillies - chopped fine
Tomatoes - seeded and chopped fine
Cucumber - chopped fine
Olives - chopped fine
Potatoes (optional) - boiled and mashed
Peanuts - roasted
Lemon Juice
Green Coriander
Curry leaves
Oil - ` 1tbs


Wash Poha thoroughly, drain excess water and keep aside. I use a strainer to wash Poha in, and then let it drain over the strainer.

Add all the vegetables in a bowl, add poha and mix well, ensure that the Poha has drained well. In 1 tbs oil temper mustard seeds, curry leaves and peanuts, and pour over the mixture, add salt mix well. Garnish with coriander and green chillies. Add lemon juice to taste.

Trust me this is as yummy and as healthy a dish that can appeal to y our taste buds.